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At first I thought what an nice way to introduce the player to the "story". I like the limited but spacious letters at the start, other than that there's not anything I can say about this game. As a first project, it's fine, but to release it? I don't know about that. I think it would be better for you to keep this to yourself, take time to work on this because it's obviously BARELY a game. This is like when you make something, and feel proud about making it and wanna show everybody, but because it's your first time making it, it's not that great. But you can always work on it. Keep at it. 1/10

Not bad for one of your first attempts at creating a horror game. I look forward to trying out more of your games in the future.

Walking simulator without sound, but as first project is ok


Not even some audio? Man, please in the next games add some music


Nice very good jumpscare and great game anyway well done keep it up!

You walk around for 5 minutes and get a loud jumpscare, game resets.
That's it.

lmao, perfect

this was included in my 3 scary game video w game! 

Really nice short game. I liked it.